Owner(s) Name(s): *
Owner(s) Phone Number(s) *
Email *
Additional Email(s) *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Comments/Misc. Notes *
Dog's Name *
Breed *
Dog's Birthday/Age *
Name/Brand of flea & tick prevention your dog is on? When do you give it? *
Name/Brand of heartworm prevention your dog is on? When do you give it? *
At what age was your dog spayed or neutered? *
List any allergies your dog has: *
List any medical diagnoses and/or surgeries and their respective dates performed: *
List any medications your dog is on: *
List any special instructions and/or restrictions for your dog (for example: leashing around the neck) *
How long have you had your dog? *
Where did you get your dog? *
If your dog was adopted or rescued, do you have any back story on them? *
What other types of pets do you have? *
How does your dog interact with other pets and/or humans including children, in the home or out in public? *
How does your dog react with visitors in the home? *
Are there any type/breed of dogs that your dog fears? *
Is there any type of person that your dog fears? (gender, behavior, clothing, items etc. *
Has your dog ever aggresively growled, snapped or bitten a person or another dog? *
Does your dog growl or become aggressive around food or when playing with toys? *
Does your dog share well with others? (food, toys, beds, etc.) *
Has your dog ever been in Doggie Day Camp? *
Can your dog climb or jump a fence? If so, please say how high. *
Elaborate in detail if you checked any of the options above: *
Is there anything else about your dog that we need to know? *
Where is your dog's favorite spot/place to be petted?
Does your dog know any trick(s)?